Sunday, October 18, 2015

African Violets

I still haven't sketched anything new. Been working all weekend. However, I recently scanned some old work and decided to mess around with animating on photoshop. Just some simple stuff.

So, here are some violets!

"African Violets"
ink stippling

"African Violets"
watercolor pencils

Friday, October 16, 2015

Black and Blue

Since I seem to be on a bird kick, how bout I post a bluejay I drew last year. It's only recently been scanned, and because of my new and wonderful job schedule, I haven't had time to paint or draw anything new.

"Black and Blue"
colored pencil

I'm updating my behance portfolio as well. Check it.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Feathered Friends

Okay, so a lot has happened since my last post. I got an awesome job, for one thing, which is absolutely amazing. Not sure when I start, but I think it's soon. That means I'll have to limit my blog posts to once a week now. Not a big difference, really.

Second, I finished my cardinal commission!

"Feathered Friends"
I'm starting to really prefer using the paint for the detail, rather than colored pencils. I'm going to keep doing it.

I'll be going on a trip this weekend to the Adirondacks to see friends and family for Canadian Thanksgiving, so no posts until next week. I do plan on painting some flowers before I leave, as a gift for some people I'll see on the trip.

Next post in a week!