Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Crimson Winter

First day, and I already have new art to post. I've been working on portfolio building, and decided what it desperately needed most was a red bird in a snowy environment.

"Crimson Winter"
gouache, india ink, and prismacolor pencil
I'm a big fan of this layering technique. I plan on using it more often to develop an actual style to my work. After all, recognizable styles are just as important as an artist's signature.


Unknown said...

Hi Becka, my name is cyndi mould and I am friends with Stacey Hogge. She works,with your mom, I think. Anyway, she asked me to contact you, as I am a working artist. I am not a great networker, but if I can help you in any way, or if you'd just like someone to talk art with, feel free to reach out. I'm on facebook, Cynthia Taylor Mould and my cell is 6108047731.

Unknown said...

Thanks Cyndi! Very kind of you. I sent you a friend request on facebook.