Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Graduation Celebration


I may have graduated from college in May, but after a wonderful summer off, it's about time I became a full-fledged adult. You know, with a job. And a car. Hopefully a tricked out mobile home that I could drive to the Grand Canyon whenever I wanted to. That's living the dream, I tell you.

I also needed an updated internet presence, so this blog - which I started at least four years ago and have remodeled twice now - is still my weapon of choice. Banner is changed, colors are new, and my identity has been salvaged from the gutter.

The plan is to post something every other day, whether it's a work-in-progress or a completed project. Might even be a stupid doodle. Or the superhero hat I'll crochet when the weather decides to shit snow on me. Who knows?

Other internet presences will be created as well. For now, there's this beautiful beast of a blog, my behance portfolio, and my twitter page. I'll likely create a professional tumblr as well, and I'm still working on posting stuff to sell on sites like etsy, zazzle, or society6. I still haven't decided if I should put any effort into a deviantart page. Perhaps I'll only post fanart there for my favorite shows and movies (of which there are many). If you have any opinions about what I should do, leave a comment.

Yay for finally doing something with my existence!

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